This is the fourth workshop in the quarterly Grand Strand Healthy Pond Series focusing on pond problem solving for HOP and POA representatives and other interested community members. The workshop is an evening event where residents will have a chance to connect with local government stormwater departments and educational organizations. There will be time for pond owners to network with peers and experts, ask questions, and find resources for pond solutions. The purpose of this quarterly workshop series is to support pond management and is organized by the North Inlet – Winyah Bay NERR in partnership with the Coastal Waccamaw Stormwater Education Consortium, SC Sea Grant Consortium, and local government stormwater managers. Light refreshments will be provided.
See the 2024 Series Flyer for the complete schedule of quarterly workshops. Contact Catherine Watts ( or Maeve Snyder at (843) 904-9034 or with any questions.
Catherine Watts, CWSEC Coordinator-Water Resources Extension Agent
Maeve Snyder, Coastal Training Program Coordinator
Phone: (843) 904-9034