Is Transit Oriented Development (TOD) the next big Economic Opportunity in the Charleston region? Join ULI and the Carter Center for Real Estate as we investigate options, funding, and public opinion. National TOD expert, Sam Zimbabwe from Reconnecting America and the Center for Transit-Oriented Development will present strategies, tools, and policies for implementing high-quality transit and TOD in this area. Local experts will participate in a panel discussion highlighting the future of TOD and alternative transportation options to make our region more sustainable.
A networking reception will follow the program giving participants an opportunity to share ideas on how to position our region, and businesses, to catch the next market cycle.
Time: 4:30-6:45pm
Date: June 1, 2010
Location: College of Charleston
Address: 5 Liberty Street
Tate Center, Wachovia Auditorium (Rm 202)
Katye Rhett
Phone: (843) 513-9331