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Blending Conservation Design and the New Urbanism


October 28, 2010


This program will describe the crossover between Conservation Design and the New Urbanism, showing how they can be blended. In areas served by public water and sewer, conservation design techniques can be readily combined with TND principles to create walkable, mixed-use neighborhoods, often involving infill projects and incremental growth around the community's outer edges. This program shows how higher density neighborhoods can be designed around the central organizing principle of an open space network and incorporate distinctive features of the natural and cultural landscape, producing more sustainable results.

All webcasts are scheduled to begin at 1:00 pm in the BCD COG conference room and approved for 1.5 hours of CE credits by SC.Attendees are welcome to bring lunch if combining these with a lunch hour.


Kathryn Basha, Planning Director

Phone: (843) 529-0400 ext. 210

  • Seminar
  • Coastal/Resource Managers
  • Consultants
  • Local Government
  • Planners
  • State Government
  • Community Development Issues
  • Growth Management
  • Infill Development/Retrofits
  • Land Use Planning
Focus Areas
  • Region: BCD
  • Fall 10 (Oct - Dec)
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