This workshop is aimed at improving the ability of researchers, managers, policy makers and government officials to build effective partnerships aimed at maintaining the qualities and values of healthy ecosystems that are vital to the communities dependent upon them. The Collaborative Learning approach synthesizes a robust body of research into a set of practical techniques that can be applied and adapted as an essential tool supporting the practice of ecosystem management.
Participants in this workshop will learn how Collaborative Learning can be used to build stakeholder teams for problem solving, support policy analysis and adaptive management, facilitate science translation and implement the goals of systems approaches to environmental management. Drawing from personal work experiences participants will practice the five steps of Collaborative Learning to identify ways to incorporate elements of the approach to their work. Using the Collaborative Learning approach, participants will identify opportunities for and barriers to applying this methodology to improve coastal management in the region.
WHO: Researchers, managers, outreach professionals, planners and government officials who regularly work in partnership to accomplish shared goals for sustaining coastal resources.
WHEN: September 22nd and 23rd 2010, 9:30am-3:30pm each day
WHERE: Ft. Johnson complex, Charleston, SC
This is a full day event and lunch will be provided for participants. Register for this event at
You can email with any questions.
Rebekah Walker, CTP Coordinator
Phone: (843) 953-9024