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Community Resilience, Part I: Assessing Vulnerabilities Using the Roadmap for Adapting to Coastal Risk


September 07, 2011


Online, 2:00-3:00pm (eastern)


Looking for a participatory approach to assessing community risk and vulnerabilities to hazards and climate change? Need to know which types of data and information can be helpful in characterizing your hazards story? Then sign up for this webinar, which will highlight a customizable approach for assessing hazard and climate change threats and impacts. This approach, the Roadmap for Adapting to Coastal Risk, is a participatory process for assessing vulnerability. The Roadmap helps communities characterize their vulnerabilities to hazards and climate change and assess how existing planning and policy efforts can incorporate vulnerability issues.

The Roadmap process helps communities move beyond general awareness of hazard and climate change impacts to actually identify risks and the potential actions that can reduce these risks. The presentation will also provide information on additional resources for identifying and communicating potential risks and vulnerabilities.

October’s webinar, “Community Resilience, Part II,” will provide case studies of communities that are using this process to make choices that will reduce possible impacts from hazards and climate change.

In this webinar, participants will learn about:

* The basics of risk and vulnerability assessments;
* The benefits of performing an assessment;
* The Roadmap approach for identifying potential risks and vulnerabilities;
* How to find resources useful in an assessment.


Stephanie Robinson, Outreach Specialist

Phone: (843) 740-1174

  • Webinar
  • Coastal/Resource Managers
  • Federal Government
  • Local Government
  • Planners
  • Public Works Officials
  • Climate Change/Sea Level Rise
  • Coastal Hazards & Hurricanes
  • Coastal Management
Focus Areas
  • Region: Nation WIde
  • Summer 11 (Jul - Sep)
Leading Org.
  • NOAA Office for Coastal Management
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