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Continuing Education Training for Planning and Zoning Officials/Employees


Berkeley-Charleston-Dorchester Council of Governments Barrett Lawrimore Conference Room 1362 McMillan Avenue North Charleston, SC


Airport Land Use and Noise Compatibility This session will address land use compatibility around the airport in your community, and will touch on (1) How to plan for land use around airports/how to measure incompatibility; Compatible land uses that can spur economic development; Integrating airport planning and development with the municipality’s Comprehensive Plan/Land Use Plan (and vice versa); Other incompatible land uses- object height, visibility reduction, wildlife attractant- but keep the presentation focused on land use; (2) How noise is measured by FAA? What does a flight track look like, and how do I learn about the flight tracks/aircraft approaches to my airport? How to prevent/plan for noise impacts from airplanes on surrounding communities; and (3) Why does the airport require so much land? Explanation of select safety and protected surfaces; and of the FAA airport design criteria resulting in necessary land acquisition; Does the airport sponsor have the power of eminent domain? Definition of aviation easement; Land acquisitions associated with FAA-approved Noise Compatibility Programs


Vonie Gilreath, Mobility Manager

Phone: (843) 529-0400 ext. 202

  • Training
  • Planners
  • Public Works Officials
  • Growth Management
  • Land Use Planning
Focus Areas
  • Region: BCD
  • ()
Leading Org.
  • Berkeley-Charleston-Dorchester Council of Governments
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