This 2-day workshop (June 3 & 4) will utilize a local site and design plans to bring the course participant step-by-step through designing a bioretention basin. Functionality, benefits, design alternatives and maintenance will all be explored. Course designed for engineers, landscape architects, professional planners, stormwater professionals and stormwater educators.
The workshop will begin at 9:00 AM each day and consist of a combination of classroom presentations and field visits.
The topics covered include: Targeting Local Issues; Paradigms of Stormwater Treatment; Bioretention Overview; Rain Gardens vs. Bioretention; Bioretention Research; Local Bioretention Design; and Maintenance & FAQs.
The workshop cost is $90.00 and includes a light breakfast and lunch. Advance registration is required by May 24. Registration is available at Clemson’s PSA Shopping Mall: Professional credit hour (up to10 PDH units) will be available at the completion of this two-day course.
For more information, contact: Katie Giacalone 843-730-5067
Katie Giacalone, Natural Resources Coordinator - Carolina Clear
Phone: (843) 554-7226, ext 115