Using low impact development (LID) strategies to plan and design development helps protect natural resources and avoid impacts to water quality. Some strategies, such as minimizing impervious cover, can be applied in any landscape. Other practices, like infiltration, require specific physical conditions. A local workshop for decision-makers and professionals involved with stormwater planning, design, permitting, and enforcement; engineers, landscape architects, contractors, and developers will be held on Thursday, October 30 from 9:00 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. at the Palmetto Electric Co-Op (1 Cooperative Way, Hardeeville, SC). The purpose of this workshop is for participants to learn how to use LID to protect natural resources and meet regulatory requirements for stormwater treatment; acquire planning and design tools for LID practices in the unique conditions of coastal South Carolina; and apply these tools to example site designs.
Come learn how a new tool, Low Impact Development in Coastal South Carolina: A Planning and Design Guide, can help with the implementation of LID in projects in the unique South Carolina coast. The solutions and resources provided in this training were developed with input from a host of local stakeholders from the coastal region including local government decision-makers, staff engineers, stormwater managers, community planners, engineering consultants, and landscape architects. The manual is designed to equip users with the tools to address the unique features of this specific region.
There is no cost to attend but registration is required. Professional credits offered for SC Planning and Education Advisory Committee (SCPEAC) and Engineering PDHs.
Blaik Pulley Keppler, Reserve Manager
Phone: (843) 953-9024