Clemson University will be offering the award-winning Master Wildlifer II course at Trident Technical College’s Main Campus. The classes will meet four Tuesday evenings: Feb. 19 & 26, March 4 & 11 from 6:30-9:00 PM. The course is a live satellite broadcast from the studios at Clemson University, with interactive capability by students at the downlink sites. Cost for the program is $100, and the reference book "Managing Wildlife" (Yarrow and Yarrow 1999) can be ordered at cost ($50 plus shipping) directly from the Alabama Wildlife Federation. Interested persons can register online at or by calling (864) 656-0606. For more information, contact David Joyner at the Charleston County Extension Office: 843-722-5940.
David Joyner, Natural Resources Agent
Phone: (843) 722-5940, ext 125