OCEAN FRONTIERS Documentary and Panel Discussion;
Tuesday, April 9, 5:30-7:00pm;
College of Charleston, Tate Center, Room 202, Liberty Street (www.cofc.edu/visit/campusmaps.php).
Please join us for a showing of the short documentary, Ocean Frontiers (www.ocean-frontiers.org). The stories in Ocean Frontiers help audiences understand key principles of ecosystem-based management and coastal and marine spatial planning, which are the cornerstones of the National Ocean Policy established in 2010 following the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. The film takes a balanced approach to both the problems we face in managing our oceans and the solutions at hand. The film features on-the-ground reporting from places across the country that are at the forefront of implementing promising new approaches to ocean and coastal management.
A panel discussion focusing on local and regional ocean issues will follow the film.
Panelists will include:
Kristine Cherry, Regional Coordinator, Governors' South Atlantic Alliance;
Mary Conley, Southeast Marine Conservation Director, The Nature Conservancy;
Patrick Moore, Environmental Stewardship Manager, South Carolina Ports Authority; and
Barbara Neale, Senior Program Analyst, SCDHEC Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management.
Moderator: Rick DeVoe, Executive Director of the S.C. Sea Grant Consortium.
The event is free and open to the public, and is hosted by the College of Charleston Master of Environmental Studies (MES) Graduate Program (mes.cofc.edu) and the South Carolina Coastal Information Network (www.sccoastalinfo.org). Refreshments will be provided.
For more information contact Samantha Bruce, Geospatial Extension Specialist, S.C. Sea Grant Consortium at Samantha.Bruce@scseagrant.org.
Samantha Bruce, Network Coordinator
Phone: 843-953-2078