The SmartCode Workshop
Charleston, SC
November 20-22, 2008
Growing concerns about climate change and rising energy costs are adding a sense of urgency to community planning that moves away from auto-centric sprawl and towards compact, walkable, mixed-use neighborhoods. Old-style, use-based regulatory approaches are barriers to making that transition. The form-based SmartCode provides a template for sustainability, in addition to encouraging new development that fits with a community's character and that expands options for businesses and residents.
The SmartCode Workshop provides the tools needed for local applications of the SmartCode. You'll hear context-setting theory from those who invented the SmartCode and get a line-by-line explanation of its key provisions. With technical experts guiding discussions, you can dig deeply into lessons learned and best practices for implementation.
You'll be surrounded by colleagues with similar goals and empowered by the collective wisdom of Andres Duany and leading practitioner-presenters.
Hazel Borys, Managing Principal
Phone: 204-989-0217