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Blaik Pulley Keppler

(843) 953-9024


The Coastal Training Program (CTP) of the ACE Basin National Estuarine Research Reserve (NERR) and the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources (SC DNR) serves a diverse community of professionals through services including trainings, workshops, meeting facilitation, and technical assistance. The CTP audience includes elected and appointed officials, local planners, state regulatory staff, engineers, architects, consultants, and others involved in making decisions that influence coastal resources. Some of the topics these groups have identified as priorities include coastal growth and development, storm water management, water resource conservation, habitat protection, and community planning. The CTP shares current science on these topics, increases understanding of the environmental, social and economic consequences of human activities and facilitates coordination between stakeholders. By providing local, science-based information and tools the ACE Basin CTP helps coastal decision makers make more informed and confident decisions for the benefit of ecosystems including human communities.