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Lowcountry Stormwater Partners

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Ellen Comeau

Water Resources Extension Agent Clemson University


The Lowcountry of South Carolina is defined by its sunsets over marshes, soft beaches, local seafood, and a waterfront lifestyle. Recreational opportunities center on water-related activities, and the economic success of the area is contingent on healthy, beautiful waterways. To further protect these waterways and to preserve the Lowcountry's quality of life for future generations, Clemson Extension, Beaufort County, the Town of Bluffton, the Town of Hilton Head Island, the City of Beaufort, and the Town of Port Royal have partnered alongside other organizations to form the Lowcountry Stormwater Partners. Together, we work with local residents, contractors, and other audiences to prevent stormwater pollution, encourage individual action, and promote responsibility for water protection.