In response to the historic flood of October 2015 the S.C. Sea Grant Consortium facilitated the documentation, coordination, and sharing of information collected in response to the “SC Flood”. Through collaboration with researchers at our partner institutions, the Consortium created the South Carolina Coastal Water Monitoring Network (SCCWMN). This web-based interactive application accessed on the Consortium website displays a historical record (from 1907 to present) of the location, types, and frequencies of water resource monitoring efforts in the coastal zone. Also shown are post-flood sampling efforts that included biological, chemical, toxicological, and microbiological indicators. The SCCWMN application provides access to spatial information on sampling locations and respective data sources. Information for each sampling site includes the 1) name of the sampling agency, 2) contact information, 3) links to data availability (if applicable), 4) brief site descriptions, and 5) parameters measured. Users can search, query, and download metadata from long-term and short-term monitoring sites sampled by state and federal agencies and academic institutions.