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Elizabeth Fly

Elizabeth Fly


July 07, 2005


9:00am to 3:30pm




A one-day workshop highlighting the status of diamondback terrapin research, management and education in the Southeast. The meeting will serve to update attendees on the accomplishments and specific needs of the region.


The ACE Basin, Sapelo Island, North Inlet/Winyah Bay and North Carolina National Estuarine Research Reserves, in partnership with the Southeast Diamondback Terrapin Working Group, are pleased to announce a one-day workshop on February 27, 2008 highlighting the status of diamondback terrapin research, management and education in the Southeast. The meeting will serve to update attendees on the accomplishments and specific needs of the region, as well as facilitate networking within and between states in the southeastern region. Presentation topics include: • population research and causes for decline; • crab trap clean-up, by-catch reduction device (BRD) research with fishermen, BRD education programs; • efforts to reduce terrapin mortality, and • impacts of mercury on terrapin health. The workshop will also provide time for break-out discussions by state to determine next steps for that state’s research, management and education. The workshop will take place at the Doubletree Guest Suites in Charleston, SC, located at 181 Church Street. Rooms have been held at the government per diem rate of $137 for the night of February 26th and can be booked by calling 843-577-2644. The South Carolina Aquarium has also arranged for meeting participants to get an entrance discount and behind the scenes tour on the 26th for those interested. Please register at for the workshop and the pre-meeting Aquarium tour.


Rebekah Walker, CTP Coordinator


  • Conference
  • Architects
  • Consultants
  • Wildlife Management
  • Fisheries & Fisheries Mgmt.
  • Fauna Taxonomy/ID
  • Coastal Laws, Rules Regulations
  • Biodiversity Conservation
Focus Areas
  • Statewide: Coast
  • Winter 08 (Jan-Mar)
Leading Org.
  • ACE Basin CTP, SC Department of Natural Resources
  • North Inlet-Winyah Bay
  • ACE Basin CTP
Other Partners
  • Sepelo Island CTP
  • Sapelo Island CTP
  • North Carolina CTP
  • South Eastern Diamond Back Terapin
  • Working Group
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